CC Staffing Company, LLC announces joint agreement between its CannaStaff brand and the MJ Freeway™ brand

CC Staffing Company, LLC has announced a joint agreement between its CannaStaff™ brand and the MJ Freeway™ brand, a point-of-sale and compliance software system developed exclusively to serve medical marijuana centers (MMCs). CannaStaff applicants will have access to exclusive training programs and certifications available as part of CannaStaff’s Patient Resource Center. CannaStaff will provide training, certifications and installation assistance to any MMC and has chosen to standardize exclusively on MJ Freeway’s industry leading software tools.

“We’ve been very impressed with the professional demeanor and character of [MJ Freeway] management and key personnel. This wasn’t a light decision for us, this model will be the standard for industry training and professionalism for a long time to come,” said CannaStaff Vice President Neil Demers. He continued, “MJ Freeway’s system is the best in the industry. They’ve got experience scaling platforms, and they are taking HIPAA the most serious we’ve seen. We’ll be training personnel on the most widely adopted system in the cannabis industry. For our growth plans it was essential we picked the right partner and we are confident that MJ Freeway is the legitimacy leader..”

Medical marijuana centers have been facing uphill battles retaining qualified employees, and many people are not able to possess employment badges under new regulations. Coupled with compliance issues, staffing needs have become a major focus for MMC owners.

“We are excited about the partnership because it makes beneficial sense to our business. As a dispensary operator, my two biggest staff concerns are compliance and service, and it’s only heightened when we are talking about new or temporary employees. Knowing my staff will be fully trained allows me to allocate and manage resources like a true business,” stated Reed Porter, General Manager for Green Dream Health Services.

MJ Freeway and CannaStaff have independently focused on MMC services for over a year and their partnership may be the catalyst many owners are looking for. The medical marijuana industry has historically fallen short of professional standards and best practices, leaving many business operators scrambling.

Mark Goldfogel, MJ Freeway Co-Founder commented, “The team at CannaStaff is remarkable, and they’ve been the industry leader for a year now. MJ Freeway’s mission is to provide software tools to legitimize Medical Marijuana from seed to sale. CannaStaff’s training, support and employee per-qualification standards will ensure that MMC workers are ready to “Track Every Gram” before they ever walk through the door.

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